Thursday, June 5, 2008

bike think

1. I was fine on the ride to work after the diluge of rain... Until I got to the zoo. Do you think if I called the zoo people, they broom off all the debris from the trail by their area? I am zoo mud butt today.

2. If you see Gravy stopped and changing a tire, don't watch. It makes him nervous, like he's taking a timed test that decides his fate, a SAT flat tire. This small amount of stress caused me to biathalon yesterday. Oh well, I just pretended I was doing a bike/walk for charity.

3. I'm getting cotton picking tired of all the crap in the JournalStar about people complaining about bikes not following all the rules of the road. I'm almost tempted to do just that. Those rules include being treated like traffic. How would all those drivers feel if I got off the sidestreets and took the arterials to speed up "my" ride to work? As traffic, I'd take up the whole lane. I'd stop where ever I'm supposed to stop. I'd slow down to signal. I'd where my helmet and get all the right blink lights. I'd bring this city's traffic flow to a crawl. Then how much bitching would people do about bikes on the streets? Less? How long do you think I'd survive?

4. On a side note, bikes are supposed to stay to the right on highways. I'm always nervous when people ride side by side on the highways when someones rapidly approaching from behind. Sometimes that's the only time you'll hear me talk on a road ride, to hear me say, "Car back."


kevin said...

Sounds like you're ready to join the fender brotherhood Gravy -- wards off all zoo muck!

I'm much more hacked at the war zone going on across from Lincoln High.

Did I miss a recent bike rant in the LJS?

gravy said...

I've been departing the bike path at 27th and going through sunken gardens, down D street to 18th and then North.

Not a recent rant, just every time a bike comment was made in the Opinion section, people go off on bikes not coming to complete stops at stop signs or this that and the other about cyclists not paying taxes...? I'm getting fed up as being treated like second class transport and then getting yelled at because... I don't why cyclists get yelled at.

Again, some lady pulls into the crosswalk while I'm on it and gives me a nasty look cuz I slowed down her turn... I'm not going to give her back a nasty look, but I slowly crossed her path as revenge.

kevin said...

I think I found the best way around that mess yesterday. Took J Street over a block, then 24th Street down a block or so and back over.

About the car/bike thing -- it'll never end. I usually just wave like I'm a happy-go-lucky idiot.

Give it a couple more years -- there well may be more "us" than "them".

Adrian Olivera said...

"CAR BACK" to some means "stay in the middle of the lane and make them go around because i don't really care about my safety or that of others."

Brittney said...

I ain't the zoo people who need to clean off the trail, it is Parks and Rec. So technically it's park muck, but not zoo muck. Which is a good thing, zoo muck smells worse. :)

gravy said...

Oh, I know. But the zoo has all those kids working or some monkeys... and it's right there... just get a couple people with brooms and it'd be clear in five minutes... It'd be nice and neighborly of the zoo. :)

WordsOnSounds said...

21st street is closing next Monday along M and N streets, so heading West through the Near South neighborhood and back South up by 16th-8th is going to be the way to go for a while.